Wednesday, June 28, 2006

My good friend, Ji Lee, (and me, sort of) on ABC WORLD NEWS!

Ji Lee, my friend and frequent project partner, has been working for a long time now on his Bubble Project. He made over 30,000 stickers in the shape of empty speech bubbles. These are placed on outdoor advertising all around New York City. He then goes back and photographs what passersby fill inside them.

A collection of some of the best filled-in bubbles has just been published, called Talk Back - The Bubble Project. I've seen many of his empty bubbles around the city and have filled a few in myself. ABC WORLD NEWS just did a story on his book. Congrats Ji! They even drew special attention to one of the bubbles I penned. It's really a mind-fuck to hear words I wrote coming out of the mainstream mouthpiece of an ABC anchor, especially considering the message behind my little bubble. Take a look at the clip below.

For the answer as to which bubble in the above piece was my doing, turn your computer upside down:

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