This was produced a few years before I was born, but I had seen it on television a few times in my early youth. It left quite an impression on me. I looked for it from time to time on YouTube, but it was never there. It seems someone posted it there almost 6 months ago. I hope it doesn't get taken down. It's beautifully and artfully executed. Enjoy.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
Okay, this is getting ridiculous.
I've put a couple of posts up before about my growing collection of people with psuedo-sexual surnames oddly linked to their professions. Well, I've found another one to put up on the mantle.
60 Minutes recently ran a piece about the determiners of sexual orientation. One of the research doctors they profiled was able to grow "gay" rats by altering their hormone levels while they were still underdeveloped. And what was the name of the doctor breeding rats that like to engage in same-sex activities?
- drum roll please -
Doctor Breedlove. (see for yourself - link)
It's as if that great scriptwriter in the sky is just phoning it in when it comes to naming characters in this short story of his.
Here are links to the other items in this collection:
60 Minutes recently ran a piece about the determiners of sexual orientation. One of the research doctors they profiled was able to grow "gay" rats by altering their hormone levels while they were still underdeveloped. And what was the name of the doctor breeding rats that like to engage in same-sex activities?
- drum roll please -
Doctor Breedlove. (see for yourself - link)
It's as if that great scriptwriter in the sky is just phoning it in when it comes to naming characters in this short story of his.
Here are links to the other items in this collection:
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
My latest pictures, and...
I also got recommended by The Upright Citizens Brigade Theater in NYC to write for their LA theater's Sketch Cram show. That's a sketch show that's written and produced all in one day. We had this show this past Saturday night and it went really well. I really enjoy writing for these under-the-gun shows. A forced deadline combined with some very talented writers (I was really in awe of the other talents involved with the show) make for not only a fun performance, but a kick-ass day of laughs while putting it together. I wrote two skecthes. One about a passive-aggressive GPS for your car. Below is an excerpt from the other sketch. It's based on a real exchange between me and my new therapist I'm seeing for my OCD issues. (I had to get rid of my last therapist after she told me to watch The Secret.) Okay, here it is. Wish me luck. Seriously.
You know Josh, we all have two inner voices. A critical one, and a positive one. I think your critical voice is doing most of the talking.
How can I balance them out?
First, let's name them. What's your positive voice's name?
I feel like an idiot doing this.
You hear that? That's your critical voice. What's the name of your positive voice?
I don't know....The Coach.
Coach. Excellent. And your critical voice's name?
Uhhh...The Abyss.
Great. Now, every time your hear The Abyss talking, I want you to..
Can we stop a second? I'm not happy with the name I gave my critical voice.
The name doesn't matter. You need to...
I know, but come on, "The Abyss?" that's awfully pretentious. I write bullshit advertising for a living.
I have no right to be walking around with some deep existential name for my critical voice.
Do you see how you're being crit...
Yes, I get the irony. It's almost as funny as you calling our 45-minute sessions an hour.
Very passive aggressive.
You know Josh, we all have two inner voices. A critical one, and a positive one. I think your critical voice is doing most of the talking.
How can I balance them out?
First, let's name them. What's your positive voice's name?
I feel like an idiot doing this.
You hear that? That's your critical voice. What's the name of your positive voice?
I don't know....The Coach.
Coach. Excellent. And your critical voice's name?
Uhhh...The Abyss.
Great. Now, every time your hear The Abyss talking, I want you to..
Can we stop a second? I'm not happy with the name I gave my critical voice.
The name doesn't matter. You need to...
I know, but come on, "The Abyss?" that's awfully pretentious. I write bullshit advertising for a living.
I have no right to be walking around with some deep existential name for my critical voice.
Do you see how you're being crit...
Yes, I get the irony. It's almost as funny as you calling our 45-minute sessions an hour.
Very passive aggressive.