Thursday, May 22, 2008

A New York first.

I've lived in New York City most of my adult life. The other day, I experienced a first, on two levels. It was the first time I was the first passenger to be in the cab I got into.

My friend Nic and I were on our way to the Guggenheim to see the Cai Guo-Qiang exhibit. We hopped into a taxi, and this must have been the cleanest place I have ever been in New York City. Or anywhere.

When I commented on the pristine condition of the backseat, the driver told us we were the very first ones to be inside. I tired to get a pic of the odometer, but it was tough. It read 40 miles, and it was 40 miles from the taxi yard to our pick up.

Since we shared such a special ride together, I snapped his pic of the driver.
By the way, the exhibit was great. This was my favorite piece. It's an important reminder to not always blindly follow the leader.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Oh, did I forget to mention I moved back to New York?

Yep. I moved back to NYC a few days ago to start my new job as an Associate Creative Director at R/GA on the Nike account. It's great to be back home.

Even though I've only been gone less than two years, I feel like Rip Van Winkle. It's as if I've been asleep for a century, and while snoozing, prices rose accordingly:

Honest tea in LA - 99¢
In midtown - $2.95

Tom's of Maine Deodorant in LA - $4.99
In East Village - $6.99

My rent in LA - $1,810 (with pool, jacuzzi, and gym). In East Village or Chelsea - Well, one broker said "come on, what do you expect for $2,300 a month?"
as I gawked at a room no wider than a queen-sized bed on the 5th floor of a walk-up. But, here in New York, angry glares are free. So, it's got that going for it.

By the way, I wanted to see how much Tom's of Maine deodorant cost at I see they have used and new. Who's buying all the used deodorant? 

I miss a lot of things about Los Angeles already, like the weather. I guess you really don't really appreciate some things until they're gone.

For instance, New York City cab drivers engaging you in conversation. I used to hate drivers talking to me when I was trying to get some peace and quiet. Today, if the driver's talking, it's probably to someone else on the other end of his cell phone. Now I have to listen to one half of HIS conversation, in whatever native language he's speaking, or making up. Hey, I want my meaningless discussions back! With the price of rides being what they, I should be entitled to one.

Yes, prices are definitely higher here now. But, it's good to know somethings remain constant - like the Peruvian singer guy who's still singing that same never-ending song on the subway.