Welcome to my 100th post. Enjoy your stay.
So, this copywriter (nice guy actually) named Jeff Kerrin sent his work over to R/GA. One of our Creative Directors looked at it, and then asked me if I had ever been an actor. I told him I hadn't, but that I've been performing improv comedy for years.
"Hmmmm," he says, "because this guy's got some commercials on his reel, and it looks like you're in 'em." I figured he just thought all short bald guys look alike. Then I took a look at his portfolio online. The guy in the video certainly looked like me. He even sounded like me. Wait, it was me.
I had done these eight years ago. How could I not remember being in a commercial? Because I wasn't. These spots (spec spots, obviously) were made from my audition tapes. Back in San Francisco, there was a commercial audition for improvisors. I got there and was told to act like the worst computer salesperson ever. More specifically, a computer salesperson who knows nothing at all about computers.
The idea is supposed to be before you buy a computer, you should get information from those who are unbiased and knowledgeable about them - CNET. I'm a bit surprised he put these in his portfolio, since the production quality isn't very good. (Although you can't expect good lighting and sound from an audition set.) I asked him about his choice to include them (I called the number on his resume), and he said he felt the performances were good, so he included them with his work.
What are the chances he'd send these to the agency I work at? Maybe not all that slim, as our industry is pretty small. So, if you happen to be in our small little industry, and need a copywriter, check this guy out.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
$200 salads and the end of the world.

All we need are a few more melting glaciers to cause frozen crops, and another round or two of dead bees, and soon we'll have wars being fought over the scarcity of food, not oil.
In this future, cafeteria food fights will be illegal. Salads will be given as expensive wedding gifts. And our government will tell us the war isn't about zucchinis, but about protecting our freedom.
Bon appetite.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Control Zzzzzz
I saw Yaz, one of my favorite 80's bands, a few weeks ago in concert. If you want to see what the show was like. Do this:
- 1. Grab a laptop
- 2. Stand in front of a mirror.
- 3. Press any one key over and over and over again.
- 4. Never smile.
If you want to see what yours truly was like during the concert, stand in front of same said mirror, and yawn.
In other 80's news, my friend gave me a call and told me he had like 20 free last minute tickets to see George Michael in concert. He got them because he's connected with a bartender at one of the bars inside Penn station (below Madison Square Garden). Whenever a show doesn't see out, they throw a bunch of tix his way. Though I wouldn't have bought tickets on my own, I have to say, he was pretty amazing. And the light/video show was hands down one of the best I have ever seen.
Speaking of 80's, the first concert I ever saw was Thompson Twins, with OMD opening. What was yours? Reply in the comments section if you're reading this.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
A New York treat.

It was so much fun, and a little surreal, seeing a usually busy street free of traffic. There was a stretch in Midtown lined with closed stores and empty buildings (being Saturday in the business district). For a moment, it was easy to pretend everyone had disappeared, and us bicyclists were the only remaining ones on the island. Kind of like that scene in Vanilla Sky where Times Square is empty. Or that horrible Will Smith movie, Legend, where he's the only one in Manhattan. (By the way Will Smith, if you're reading this, you owe me 10 bucks and two hours of my life back. A shit script is one thing, but no 3rd act?)

Everyone screamed as we rode through the Park Avenue tunnel to hear their echo. It was nice to hear so many New Yorkers yelling without any cursing being involved.
Some of the cool parts were: Going up and touching statues you normally can't due to traffic surrounding them. Taking pictures from vantage points like this one, in front of Grand Central Station, which is pretty hard to do any other time. And being able to inspect the sides within the Park Avenue tunnel, and see all the odd fixtures lining its walls. It was a whole new side of the city, and it made me look at my home in a new way. I felt like a tourist, in a refreshing way, taking pictures and marveling at the sites.
A funny thing I heard: A pedestrian trying to cross the street as a slew of bikes whizzed past him. "Fuck, this is worse than when there's cars."