As some of you may already know, I've been working on a series of experimental, stop-motion comedy shorts - done with night lights.
I've collected a bunch of "character" night lights, and gathered together some terrific NYC improvisers (including folks from SNL's Weekend Update, Late Night with Conan O'Brien, VH1's Best Week Ever, The Daily Show, and Late Show with David Letterman) and recorded them as these personalities. Simple stop-motion and miniature sets bring the worlds to life.
The second installment is done and can be viewed in the Independent Projects section of my website. Or, take the easier way and just watch it below. Feel free to leave comments. Hope you enjoy it.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Wednesday, July 19, 2006 'bout that blog entry title, huh?
A couple of years ago, my dad was hospitalized. For awhile, it wasn't looking very good. It got to the point where I had to fly down to Florida to be with my family while he was in Intensive Care. During this time, my dad gave me what amounted to his "goodbye talk." I'm very happy to say he fully recovered.
The whole event now feels similar to when I leave work, and someone walks out with me and gives me a big "goodbye," only to wind up walking the same way as me. We'll be standing together at the corner, waiting for the light to change or something, it's so awkward. We've already said goodbye. We're not gonna start up a whole new conversation. We just stand there like dorks. Worse is when they walk the same way as me for a block or two, at the same pace. I usually just stop and fix my sock or something and let them pass. Some people really know how to ruin a "goodbye."
So, my dad's goodbye was a bit awkward, but I'm glad his parting chat was positive. I sometimes imagine what it would have been like if he said: "I've never approved of you, or the way you've led your life. And why couldn't you have been taller?" and then recovered. That would have been REALLY awkward.
Speaking of awkward moments, check out my friend Hunter Fine's book, OK Then, See You Later. Useful Awkward Phrases to Make People Feel Uncomfortable Around You. It's chock full of ideas to help you create your own.
The whole event now feels similar to when I leave work, and someone walks out with me and gives me a big "goodbye," only to wind up walking the same way as me. We'll be standing together at the corner, waiting for the light to change or something, it's so awkward. We've already said goodbye. We're not gonna start up a whole new conversation. We just stand there like dorks. Worse is when they walk the same way as me for a block or two, at the same pace. I usually just stop and fix my sock or something and let them pass. Some people really know how to ruin a "goodbye."
Speaking of awkward moments, check out my friend Hunter Fine's book, OK Then, See You Later. Useful Awkward Phrases to Make People Feel Uncomfortable Around You. It's chock full of ideas to help you create your own.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Don't mess with me, or I'll blog about you.
I had this idea where I'd make a t-shirt which read "Don't mess with me, or I'll blog about you." I'd wear this shirt for a week and any jackass, inept customer service folk, or just plain mean person I encountered - I'd document their lameness on my blog. I promptly relaized I'd never do this, but some friends liked the t-shirt idea.
Threadless is a website that allows anyone to submit a design or slogan for a t-shirt. If enough people give your idea a "yay" vote, they'll print them up and sell them on their website. I submitted this sogan, and it's up on their site while it gets voted on.
If you like the shirt idea, I'd sure appreciate if you'd visit my Threadless profile page to vote. You won't see the voting buttons unless you register first, but that literally takes less than a minute. Swear.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Please help a good cause.
All too often, these pillows are given as a well-meaning Christmas or birthday present, only to be tossed away when the "fun" wears off and the responsibility they require sets in.
I work with a local rescue group, so if you'd like to open your home to this plush little guy, please contact me. He's quiet, colorful, and seems to be a mix of 60% goose down, 37% Polyester, and 3% urine.
Pic taken on NYC street
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Do I have special powers?
Weird huh?
Hey, I wonder - none of the members of Britney Spears are dead, are they?